  • 铝壳电阻
  • 铝壳电阻
  • 铝壳电阻
  • 铝壳电阻
  • 铝壳电阻
  • 铝壳电阻
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联 系 人:
王茂宝 (先生)
产品名称:CAR型铝壳绕线电阻 型 号:CAR Type: CAR 规格 Type 功率 Rated power(w) 外型图 Product picture 尺寸/Dimension(mm) 配线 Connecting Wire(m?) 引线长度 Lead length(mm) A B C D E CAR 60 图1. 115 98 40 20 × 2. 5 500 CAR 80 140 123 40 20 × 2. 5 500 CAR 100 165 148 40 20 × 2. 5 500 CAR 120 190 173 40 20 × 2. 5 500 CAR 150 215 197 40 20 × 2. 5 500 CAR 200 165 147 60 30 × 2. 5 500 CAR 300 215 197 60 30 × 2. 5 500 CAR 400 265 247 60 30 × 2. 5 500 CAR 500 335 317 60 30 × 2. 5 500 CAR 800 图2. 400 382 61 59 40. 5 2. 5 500 CAR 1000 400 384 50 107 30 2. 5 500 CAR 1200 450 434 50 107 30 2. 5 500 CAR 1500 485 470 50 107 30 2. 5 500 CAR 2000 550 532 50 107 30 4 500 Tolerance of resistance 电阻值公差 % R≥1Ω ±5% R<1Ω ±10% Temperature coefficient 温度系数 ppm/℃ R>20Ω,±260 ppm/℃ R≤20Ω,±400 ppm/℃ Insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 MΩ R≥100 Protection lever 防护等级 IP54 Climatic category (IEC 68-1) 环境类别 40/155/21 Temperature change 使用温度 ℃ -40——200 Ability to tractive power of terminals 端子强度 N 100 Connections 连接件 Lead fetched out 引出导线 CAR铝外壳电阻器技术参数 Technology parameter of type CAR aluminous crust resistor 电气、机械性能: Electric and mechanical capability: Serial number 序号 Item 测试项目 Capability require 性能 Test method 测试方法 1 Resistance and resistance variance 电阻值以及变化范围 R≥1Ω ±5% R<1Ω ±10% Accordance with JIS-C-5202 5.1 遵守JIS-C-5202 5.1 2 Resistor temperature Coefficient 温度系数 R>20Ω,±260 ppm/℃ R≤20Ω,±400 ppm/℃ To run within temperature range ?25~200℃, factor shall be in accordance with JIS-C-5202 5.2 在?25~200℃温度下实验, 遵守JIS-C-5202 5.2 3 Rating load 额定负载 Superficial temperature≤375℃ 表面温度≤375℃ Correctly mounted on 300×300×3mm plate aluminium ,accordance with JIS-C-5202 5.4 放置在300×300×3mm铝板上, 遵守JIS-C-5202 5.4 4 Short term overload 短时过载 No abnormality ΔR≤±(2%R+0.05Ω) 无异常 ΔR≤±(2%R+0.05Ω) Application of 10 times higher than rating voltage for 5 seconds under the same invironment, accordance with JIS-C-5202 5.5 同样环境下,10倍额定电压,5秒, 遵守JIS-C-5202 5.5 5 Insulation resistance 绝缘电阻 No abnormality R≥100MΩ 无异常 R≥100MΩ Insulation resistance shall be 100 MΩ or more between terminal and case when measured with DC 500V insulation resistance tester, accordance with JIS-C-5202 5.6 直流500V,焊片和外壳之间的绝缘电阻要求大于或等于100MΩ, 遵守JIS-C-5202 5.6 6 Withstand voltage 耐压 No abnormality no destroying ΔR≤±( 0.1%R+0.05Ω) 无异常 无破坏 ΔR≤±( 0.1%R+0.05Ω) No abnormality shall be found when AC 2500V applied between terminal and case for 1 min, accordance wirh JIS-C-5202 5.7 焊片与外壳之间加交流电压2500V, 1分钟, 遵守JIS-C-5202 5.7 7 Terminal strength 焊片强度 No abnormal or Loosing 无异常 无松动 A static load of 100N in the direction of terminal for 30 seconds, accordance to JIS-C-5202 6.1.2(1) 100N力加在焊片引出方向,30秒, 遵守JIS-C-5202 6.1.2(1) 8 Vibration proof 振动 No abnormal ΔR≤±(0.1%R+0.05Ω) 无异常 ΔR≤±(0.1%R+0.05Ω) No mechanical damage shall be observed where vibration applied in a cycle of 10~55HZ 1.5mm wide in the three directions for 1 minute, keeping 2 hours in each direction. Accordance with JIS-C-5202 6.3 10~55 HZ ,1.5mm振幅,三个方向,一个周期1分钟。每个方向上持续2小时,无机械损伤, 遵守JIS-C-5202 6.3 CAR铝外壳电阻器技术参数 Technology parameter of type CAR aluminous crust resistor 耐久性 Endure capability: Serial number 序号 Item 测试项目 Capability require 性能 Test method 测试方法 1 Heat tolerance 耐热性 No colour changed and abnormality except terminal, sign clear 除焊片外,无颜色变化,标记清晰。 Where the device is heated to 350±5℃ with no load for 120±5 minutes , accordance with JIS-C-5202 7.2 无负载,加热至350±5℃,120±5分钟,遵守JIS-C-5202 7.2 2 Thermal shock 热冲击 No abnormality ΔR≤±(2%R+0.05Ω) 无异常 ΔR≤±(2%R+0.05Ω) Apply rating power for 30 minutes,on reaching thermal stability ,within 8-12 s expose to -40±2℃ for 15+5 minutes, then constant temperature, 2 hours. accordance with JIS-C-5202 7.3 额定电压30分钟,常温,8-12秒放到 -40±2℃环境下,15+5分钟。再在常温下放置2小时, 遵守JIS-C-5202 7.3 3 Moisture resistance life 耐湿性 No damage Sign clear ΔR≤±(3%R+0.05Ω) Insulation resistance R≥25MΩ 无损伤 标记清晰 ΔR≤±(3%R+0.05Ω) 绝缘阻值 R≥25MΩ DC voltage of 100V at 40±2℃ at relative humidity 90-95% shall be applied for 1 hour, then cycled off for less than 0.5 hours ,for 500+24 hours, accordance with JIS-C-5202 7.5 直流电压100V,40±2℃,相对湿度90-95%,60分钟开,30分钟关,持续500+24小时, 遵守JIS-C-5202 7.5 4 Load life 负载寿命 No damage Sign clear ΔR≤±(5%R+0.05Ω) 无损伤 标记清晰 ΔR≤±(5%R+0.05Ω) Correctly mounted on 300×300×3mm plate aluminium, rating DC voltage shall be applied at 20±7℃, 90 minutes on 30 minutes off, then cycled for 500+24 hours, accordance with JIS-C-5202 7.10 放置在300×300×3mm铝板上,20±7℃,额定直流电压,90分钟开,30分钟关,循环500+24小时, 遵守JIS-C-5202 7.10
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